Tag Archives: journaling

time keeps on slipping… some more

Indie Cat


Did I scare you?


It has been that long that I am positive that all hope was lost. Which is fine. Because, boy oh boy, has it been intense. So intense that I literally called my mother and a few goods friends back in July and told them it was time to stop writing. I felt like I was loosing all sense of focus. Also that I was, and still am, ready to just do it and stop talking about it.

Well, a little has gotten done. So, we’re doing. But an awful lot of things have gone untouched. Several amazing wonderful things are happening and many deeply sad things, too.

We grievously lost the battle of cancer with this sweet gal at the end of July (and boy do our hearts still ache deeply, it literally aches as I write this), THEN 5 weeks and 2 days later we lost this equally sweet and important gal to simple old age, just one year after the loss of this special guy.  Oh, we’re not done! Then, amazingly, after quite some time of unsuccessful attempts we get pregnant!! (Same thing happened with RCB. We were so emotionally and physically caught up in the experience of loosing our black lab that we got prego without even realizing!). Not to mention that we sent our wee sweet lad off to Kindergarten!!!! Can we say big year for us? (not the same as the bird big year, although I think it would be fabulous to find and see as many species of bird as you can in one year) Or a big 5 months! It is all so overwhelmingly wonderful, yet unbelievably sad at the same time. We’ll grow and strengthen with the losses and soar with the gain.

So, I took time to just be. It’s going great. The house is quieter with only two cats and a kid. (Chi-si is living in the studio with my in-laws. While she is sad about the loss of her buddies she is thrilled to have her ma and pop around!). However, we laugh constantly that the cats took responsibility for filling in the gap where the dogs were concerned! They beg at the dinner table, are constantly in and out and sleep with us for the loss of the warmth!

Now I am ready to journal, explore and share again. I miss writing. So, keep your eyes and ears open! We’ll see what we can’t explore together! New horizons!!

Happy to be back! Hope you are all well!!